Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Slaughterhouse-5 Movie Response

I thought the actual movie did a poor job of portraying the themes and even events in Slaughterhouse 5. I though they did a terrible job of casting and the actors weren't very good at acting. Valencia was way more obnoxious and annoying than I imagined her in the book. Billy was also way more awkward and creepy than he should've been. Also, the scenes and backgrounds in the movie didn't look like I imagined. Overall, the movie lacked the satirical element that Kurt Vonnegut emphasized in his book. I was really amazed at some of the ideas and visuals that people came up with in their presentations. Emma Westbrook's drawings were really cool and interesting that were in her group's project. It was obvious that a lot of time and effort went into making them. I liked how they took the approach of making their adaptation of Slaughterhouse 5 into black and white movie. Also, the only color they used was the red for the blood of the horse in Dresden. They clearly put a lot of thought into their project. I think that this group's project would've been way better than the actual movie. Going back to the actual movie we just watched, I didn't like that they left out the scene of him actually going to New York and especially the book store scene. I think this scene is crucial to setting the viewer up to see how Billy was imagining the Tralfamadorians by using elements he had come across in his life. For example, one of the books he picked up had a story about a man and a woman being abducted and taken to a far away planet, similar to the story that Billy claimed to be true. Also, he saw a magazine that claimed that Montana Wildhack was dead, the same person that Billy claimed to be in the Tralfamadorian zoo with him. Overall, I thought the producers of the movie could've done a far better job representing the Slaughterhouse 5 book.

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